Friday, October 3, 2008

A man after God’s own heart

I have, in my Truck a CD set, the Word of Promise, New Testament. It’s the entire New Testament very professionally read by a long list of actors. I don’t recall exactly where on the internet I purchased it from but I enjoy it so much I have bought 4 more sets and given them away. This is the official web address, .

Whenever I am in the Truck, and not on the phone, one of these CDs is playing. Normally I spend at least 2 hours a day in the truck so I hear a lot of the New Testament. For this reason I spend most of my reading time in the Old Testament.

I just finished up reading 2 Samuel and started 1 Kings this morning. While reading the adventures of king David a thought began to grow. David, like us, made some big mistakes. Those mistakes cost him, many of his mistakes cost the lives of many in Israel. However, when the lights came on and David realized his mistake or sin he repented and God forgave him. Consider this, God called him (David) a man after his own heart 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22.

This is very good news for you and I. David was under the Law and despite his failures and weaknesses God considered him a man after his own heart. How much more can depend on God now that the Law has been fulfilled through the Lord Jesus Christ. We are under Grace, having the Risen Christ as our savior.

“Lord God , help us every day to remember that it is by your Grace and Power that we have access to you through your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to hold fast to Jesus knowing that He is faithful and able to deliver us through this day. Open our Eyes that we may see Your Kingdom clearly. Open our ears that we may hear Your voice and the direction of the Holy Spirit. Heal our crippled bodies that we can walk daily with You.

I ask this in the name of and under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ,


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