Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shock and Awe

Lately I have been reading the Old Testament and I am blown away by the sharp contrast between how pre-modern man reacted to and interacted with God vs. how modern American men and women do.

Please make a special note that I include myself as part of the group of modern American men and women. Therefore, I can use myself as an example and hopefully not offend knowing that I am more or less normal (I hope) and most people may be able to relate to my experiences.
As I read the Bible I detect a reverence towards all things God that I don’t normally see in my life. I am quite comfortable having a brief chat with God while driving or doing any number of the activities that fill up my day. I don’t give a second thought, on most occasions, to “my condition” when I come to God.

As a parallel, I have had the opportunity to meet with Congressman and a State Senators, three Governors and was invited to be at an event when Vice President Dan Quayle flew into McGuire AFB. One each of these occasions I made a point of putting on my best suit, making sure my shoes were polished and my hair combed. I have been on a few to many job interviews over the years as well, each and every time I made sure I was properly attired. On top of how I was dressed I made mental preparations for the meeting. I queued myself to use my best English skills and made a point of having something intelligent to say should the opportunity arrive. In short I prepared myself in dress, body (normally I would bath) and mind for the event. If and when I was granted the chance to speak to whoever I thought important at that time I did so with my best ability, not with common street gibberish or theatrical words and actions.

Why then do I find myself so comfortable approaching God, The Creator of all that is, all Heaven and Earth, every grain of sand and every sun, planet, moon and star and creature or thing that inhabits these places. The author of time, matter and life. THE Supreme Being who always was and always will be. The very Being that holds all that there is order and grants me the next breath I will take…..

Why am I able to casually speak to God while driving my truck to pick up building supplies? And how do I begin my conversations? “Well God.. please guide me on this or that, or help me to…” How about this one” Here we are again Lord…….”

Not long ago I prayed about this question and felt impressed that it’s OK, I’m just that comfortable with God. I am confident that to some extent I, we, should be. After all He made us for His purposes and He made The Way for us to be re-united with Him. That conversation went something like this. “…. Lord? Why is it that some people when they pray are so formal about talking to you?” The Lord responded, “ possibly you “know” me better and are more comfortable being yourself” I was satisfied with that answer, after all I “think” I know God. Then I recalled The Lord Jesus, the night before he was betrayed and how he prayed. This brought to mind other prayers of the Lord , very reverent, very deep, very contrite. “ Lord” I asked “what about how Jesus prayed?” The answer was as clear as a bell. “He KNOWS me”.

It is important I should note that, as He promised, The Lord Jesus has sent The Comforter (Holly Spirit) to us to “guide us”. As a Christian I “should” be walking at all times in a constant state of union with God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit working in us. On a few occasions Jesus prayed purely for the point of making the people around him know that what was about to be done was by Gods hand.

My point is that the quick prayers, and chats with God that we have are OK. In fact they are more then OK as they reflect that the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives because no one is drawn to God but by the Holy Spirit. I’m not suggesting that all prayer needs to be done barefooted facing the east. I am questioning if we have become much too comfortable with God and in doing so are missing out on The Glory.

I intend, God willing, to devote the next couple posts to how I think the ancients knew God. To do this we will need to do some word study and to come to some common understanding of the meaning of some words. I’m not sure how far or long it will take but I feel it is important to me and hopefully to you that we regain something that has been lost. IT is the something that should keep us in wonder and awe of the Almighty

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